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What are pharmaceuticals?

Pharmaceuticals, also called medicines or drugs, are composed of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), which are combined with additional materials (excipients) that serve to control dosage administration, improve performance and facilitate manufacturing. Pharmaceuticals are used in modern and traditional medicine, and their main purpose is to help prevent and treat diseases, and to protect public health.


What are their  applications?

Among the applications of pharmaceuticals, we can mention commonly used drugs such as antibiotics and beta blockers, medical foods (which are related to nutrition), dermatological products, for treatment of skin-related diseases. Also, veterinary, homeopathic, physiotherapeutic and herbal medicines. The majority of pharmaceutical products are delivered to patients in solid form (tablets) or aerosols.

What are the impacts  on environment?

During their manufacture, use and disposal, APIs, as well as other chemical ingredients, can be released into the environment. Some APIs are known to persist and to accumulate in the environment and have a negative impact such as impairment of the reproduction of exposed fish populations.
Furthermore, pharmaceuticals can reach water sources through wastewater containing excreta, improper disposed medicines (for example from flushing medicines down the toilet) and through agricultural runoff (sewages sludges are often use as fertilizers which still contain APIs). This is a cause for concern, as they can reach drinking water sources.


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