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Legal Aspects

This training package currently contains two courses and two guidelines with an introductory presentation. The two courses are the following:


  1. Legislation on chemicals placed on the market 

  2. Enforcement of legislation on chemicals placed on the market


You can also download the following two guidelines on prosecution of illegal trade of (hazardous) wastes: 

  1. UNEP “Basel Convention Instruction Manual on the Prosecution of Illegal Traffic of Hazardous Wastes or Other Wastes” 

  2. WasteForce “Guidance for prosecutors of waste crime”


Please also find below the presentation “Introduction to Enforcement and Legislation”, summarizing the two abovementioned guidelines and also providing information on other materials, websites and guidelines to be consulted when involved in prosecution of illegal traffic of waste and waste crime.


The courses are self-paced and take around one hour to complete (and can also be found under the training package Key aspects of Chemicals and Waste Management). When the courses are completed and you have passed the quizzes, you will receive a certificate.  


The course Legislation on Chemicals Placed on the Market contains the following four modules: Why legislation is important, Chemicals legislation and related pieces of legislation, Placing obligations in primary and secondary legislation, and Main content of a chemicals law (content of legislation for chemicals placed on the market).


The course Enforcement of Legislation on Chemicals Placed on the Market has the following eight modules: Why is enforcement necessary?, Roles and responsibilities, Market surveillance supported by control at the border, What should be inspected?, Who should be inspected?, Who should inspect?, Measures when observing violations, Inspections: Practical guidance.


Legislation for Chemicals
Placed on the Market

Enforcement of
Chemicals Legislation



Introduction to Enforcement and Legislation


UNEP “Basel Convention Instruction Manual on the Prosecution of Illegal Traffic of Hazardous Wastes or Other Wastes” 

WasteForce “Guidance for prosecutors of waste crime”

©2021 by Information Exchange for the Sound Management of Chemicals in Nigeria. Proudly created by EH

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