PCB Sampling and Screening
This module provides information about sampling procedures and screening of PCBs. In more detail will be explained, which material and equipment are needed for sampling of transformer oils and soils. Step-by-step tutorials are provided for two common screening methods, PCB measurements with colorimetric kits and chloride specific electrodes.
PCB Sampling & Screening
This video explains PCB sampling of transformer oils including materials needed, the role of the sampling team and the different sampling scenarios.
Clor-N-Soil test kit video
This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to test soil samples with the Clor-N-Soil test kit (50 ppm).
Electrode Preparation
The electrode is the most sensitive part of the L2000DXT. This video provides a step by step approach on how to prepare the electrode to conduct PCB tests on the oil samples.
Clor-N-Oil Video
This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to test dielectric oil with the Clor-N-Oil test kit (50 ppm)
Sample preparation for the L2000 DXT Analyzer
The video presents the step-by-step sample preparation procedure for the analysis with the L2000DXT Analyzer
Sample Screening
This video shows a simple step-by-step methodology to screen sample using the L2000DXT