Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia – UNITAR - SYCLE

Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia has worked with the United Nations for the past twenty years, the first fifteen of which as Coordinator of Emerging Crimes Unit of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).
In 2016, she has joined Sustainable Cycle Program (SCYCLE) co-hosted by the United Nations University (UNU) and the United Nations Institute on Training and Research (UNITAR) and is involved in coordination of analysis and capacity building in the field of transnational waste crime, in particular within the projects DOTCOM Waste (, WasteForce ( and the STRiKE (
Since 2019 she is providing a consultancy to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat on the issue of environmentally sound management of plastic waste and marine litter.
She has acted as UNICRI Focal Point within the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) International Organizations’ Sub-Group.
For many years she represented UNICRI within the UN Inter-Agency Group Against Trafficking In Persons (UN-ICAT) and for a decade acted as Focal Point for the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI).
Over the years, she developed a multifaceted professional experience, combining policy analysis and program development with capacity- building expertise in multilateral environments. Specifically, her experience entails research and analysis in the field of illicit trafficking, supply chain security, and sustainable development. She is lecturer and author of several publications on different issues, including environmental crimes, organized crime, human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, trafficking of precious metals, counterfeit pharmaceuticals and pesticides, and cybercrime.
Vittoria is a Law graduate at the University of Turin, Italy, and holds a Master’s degree (MA) in International Relationships and Diplomacy, and the “State of New York Certificate of International Law and Diplomacy” at St. John’s University, New York, USA.