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Enhanced knowledge and risk analysis of waste related crime and mercury-added products

The objective of this activity is to enhance knowledge and understanding of illegal trade and management of problematic waste streams (including in particular e-waste, ELVS, batteries and other mercury waste), and illegal production and trade of mercury-added products, in support of an improved risk analysis and possible harmonisation of national annual plans and enforcement strategies. 

New tools and methodologies 

The general objectives of this activity is to develop practical tools and advanced methodologies in support of practitioners across the compliance and enforcement chain, in their fight against waste and product trade crimes, including waste mercury and mercury-added products. Technical information generated during the project will be used to indicate product types and waste streams vulnerable for fraud and direct future compliance and enforcement activities.

Capacity building and skills acquisition

The general objective of this activity is to enhance capacities and skills of practitioners and stakeholders in selected countries in Europe, as well as CEE/Balkans region Africa in the detection, investigation and prosecution of waste-crime cases and illegal trade in mercury-added products. This activity includes two main components: 1) the update and development of tailored-made tools and materials on waste and mercury-related crimes and 2) capacity building activities for practitioners, delivered both face-to-face (multidisciplinary training sessions) and online (webinars). 

The STRiKE project is funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund - Police (ISFP-2018-AG-OC-869173)

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The University of Limerick is the lead institution of the project consortium

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