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Susan van den Brink – UNITAR SCYCLE


Ms. Susan van den Brink is a research associate at UNITAR SCYCLE. She joined the team in 2016 and has been involved in research, analysis and capacity building activities. She worked on several projects related to transboundary movements of waste and sustainable development. Before joining the SCYCLE team, she worked at the INTERPOL Environmental Security department. There, she carried out tactical, operational and strategic analysis in the field of pollution crime. Ms van den Brink completed her B.Sc. in International Development, holds a minor and MA in Criminology and is currently a part-time PhD candidate in the field of Industrial Ecology at Leiden University in the Netherlands.   

The STRiKE project is funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund - Police (ISFP-2018-AG-OC-869173)

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The University of Limerick is the lead institution of the project consortium

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