Stronger Training and Increased Knowledge for Better Enforcement against Waste and Mercury -STRIKE project aims to further enhance operational activities and capacities of authorities involved in addressing illegal trade & management of problematic waste streams (e.g. e-waste, end-of-life vehicles, batteries & waste mercury), as well as illegal production & trade of mercury-added products (MAPs).

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Enhanced knowledge and risk analysis of waste related crime and mercury-added products
To enhance knowledge and understanding of illegal trade and management of problematic waste streams (including in particular e-waste, ELVS, batteries and other mercury waste), and illegal production and trade of mercury-added products, in support of an improved risk analysis and possible harmonisation of national annual plans and enforcement strategies.

New tools and methodologies
To develop practical tools and advanced methodologies in support of practitioners across the compliance and enforcement chain, in their fight against waste and product trade crimes, including waste mercury and mercury-added products. Technical information generated during the project will be used to indicate product types and waste streams vulnerable for fraud and direct future compliance and enforcement activities.

Capacity building and skills acquisition
To enhance capacities and skills of practitioners and stakeholders in selected countries in Europe, as well as CEE/Balkans region Africa in the detection, investigation and prosecution of waste-crime cases and illegal trade in mercury-added products. This activity includes two main components: 1) the update and development of tailored-made tools and materials on waste and mercury-related crimes and 2) capacity building activities for practitioners, delivered both face-to-face (multidisciplinary training sessions) and online (webinars).
The University of Limerick is the lead institution of the project consortium which is composed of four organizations ranging from UN Organizations to different research institutions and universities.
Click on the icons to discover more about each organization!
In addition to the project team, there are five Associate Partners that will support the project’s activities, in particular: the German Customs Authority; District of Lower Bavaria; Basel Convention Regional Centre (Slovakia); African Institute (South Africa) and the Waste Management Department of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Macedonia.
You can find more information about project partners here:

We are on Twitter: @STRiKE_EU
Follow our account to be up to date with project news, trainings, activities
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Launch of the project
The project was officially launched on 31 March 2020. Due to the COVID-19 crisis and the impossibility to travel, the inception workshop was successfully organized remotely via webinar.
All project partners, including associate partners, attended the online session to present the different activities under each project component and discuss actions, timelines, outcomes and administrative aspects related to the management of the project.
The STRiKE project has created a High-Level Advisory Board, consisting of external stakeholders involved in the fight against illicit management and illegal trade in waste. The High-Level Advisory Board is formed to provide advice on the specific needs of the end user community, review the planning of activities, offer technical insight, and assist in the dissemination of project’s results with the larger stakeholder community. The first virtual meeting of the High-Level Advisory Board was organized on 4 June 2020. After a round table introduction of the project team and HLAB members, the objectives and scope of the advisory board were explained. During the discussion with the newly appointed HLAB members, the first inputs on tools and methodologies were already collected by the project team.
You can find more information about the members of the HLAB here:

The STRiKE project represent an opportunity to establish synergies in order to align data collection tools with other initiatives and projects.

On Friday 5 June 2020 OPFA WASTE and STRiKE representatives met to discuss potential alignments between activities in order to maximise the two projects’ potential and avoid duplications. The EU funded initiatives, both aimed at fighting environmental crimes, have different specific objectives. In fact, while OPFA-WASTE targets illicit waste trafficking in general, STRikE project focuses specifically on illegal trade and management of problematic waste streams (e.g. e-waste, end-of-life vehicles, batteries and waste mercury and mercury-added products).
You can read more about the meeting here:

Fighting against Environmental Crime cannot be done alone, collaboration is the key to success!
STRiKE and AMBITUS (EU ISF-police project taking part in the fight against international environmental crime) teams are working together to explore synergies between the two projects that share the common goal of tackling illicit waste trafficking.