Annual Plans and Enforcement Strategies: Straightforward Guidance and Best Practices
On November 23rd, UNITAR SCYCLE organized a restricted webinar for enforcement authorities, to share the main outcomes of the STRIKE Guidelines on Annual Plans and Strategies – and some country experiences in the field of waste & mercury crime enforcement.

A selected group of 22 participants took part to the online discussion, including representatives of the national enforcement authorities and International Organizations’ representatives. After an introduction on the STRIKE project, the webinar started with a presentation of the main contents of the STRIKE Guidelines – intended as a step-by-step approach to develop and implement annual plans and enforcement strategies to counter waste crime and the illicit trafficking of waste and mercury. This specific aspect lacks harmonization at EU and international level, and the STRIKE Guidelines try to fill in this gaps. This set of guidelines, in fact, is the result of an in-depth analysis of existing practices at EU and international level – which covered 39 countries.
Afterwards, three members of the STRIKE High-Level Advisory Board shared their national perspective and approach, specifically from Ireland, Germany – District of Lower Bavaria and Belgium. Overall, the environmental inspectorates reported their own experience in preparing annual plans and in performing inspection and investigation activities - by providing data on road and port inspections, visual images of illicit shipments and an overview on the main modus operandi put in place by criminal and corporate groups involved in these illicit activities.
The two reports – the STRIKE Compendium of Existing Practices and the STRIKE Guidelines on Annual Plans and Enforcement Strategies – can be shared with national authorities upon request. If interested, please contact