Dragan Asanović - Directorate of Waste Management in Montenegro

Mr. Dragan Asanović is the General Director of the Directorate for Waste Management and Utility Development within the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism since 2015. He worked in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism from 2001 to 2010. First he was engaged as an Environmental Inspector from 2001 to 2004 – inspection supervision under implementation of laws, other regulations and general laws on environmental protection. He also worked as a Senior Advisor in the same Ministry from 2004 to 2010. From 2010 to 2015 he was assigned Assistant of the Director in Environmental Protection Agency, during the early years of establishment of the Agency. As a Head of Department for issuing licenses within the Agency, he had key competences in the field of enforcement of the environmental legislation. He is also the national focal point of Montenegro for Basel Convention and member of the Bureau of the Convention as Vice-president for Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, he is member of working group for negotiation Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change, coordinating waste management. He has been leading and participating in several national and international projects focusing on waste management.