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Dietmar Moellmann – German Customs Administration,
Prohibition and Restriction unit

Dietmar Moellmann started his career in 1979 in the German customs administration. After obtaining a Bachelor degree in public finance he finishedat the college for Higher Professional Training in Sigmaringen (degree of a bachelor of public finance) in 1982, he worked as a customs investigation officer in Düsseldorf, where was responsible for the fight against customs offences, narcotics, endangered species and IPR-Fraud. In 1994 he moved to the Ministry of Finance, Investigation Department. In 1999 he joined the Drugs department in the Central Customs Investigation Office in Cologne as Head of the Unit Operations and Information systems and in 2006 he took over the Unit “International Cooperation”.


Since 2016, Mr. Moellmann he is the Head of the Unit “Prohibitions and restrictions”, this includes illegal waste-trafficking and smuggling of endangered species. In his position he participates in some international groups fighting against environmental crime such as, like the CCWP Environmental Crime Action-groups, the EMPACT Environmental Crime and the EnvicrimeNet. 

The STRiKE project is funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund - Police (ISFP-2018-AG-OC-869173)

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The University of Limerick is the lead institution of the project consortium

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