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Dana Lapesova - Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) Slovakia

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Dana Lapešová has been working in a position of the as Director of the Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) Slovakia since 2002, where she . Her aim is to assist countries from Central and Eastern Europe with adoption and implementation of the Basel Convention principles into their national legislations. The BCRC, with its experiences in cooperation within the region and bridging role between project partners and Central and Eastern Europe, is a relevant associated partner in the project team.  She Ms. Lapesova has organized more than 30 regional workshops and trainings and coordinated a lot severalof projects on environmentally sound management for different waste streams, such as e-waste from electrical and electronic equipment, used batteries and, used oils. She coordinated assistance in legislation preparation and supported synergies among hazardous wastes and chemicals conventions (i.e. Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm). Currently she is coordinating national and regional projects in Moldova, Belarus and Georgia aiming at assisting countries in implementing two projects in Moldova financed by the Slovak Aid Programme with the aim to assist Moldova to strengthen the implementation of the hazardous waste legislation and.  Another current project is a regional project with the aim to implement the e-waste EPRextended producer responsibility for e-waste in Belarus and Georgia.  As a BCRC representative she is a member of different working groups and partnership programmes under the umbrella of the Basel Convention and UNEP. These include Partnership on Action on computing Equipment (PACE), Expert working group, household waste partnership, ENFORCE (on transboundary movement of hazardous waste).  Before this position Dana has worked in chemistry research and had the opportunity to work, . During this time she was working eight months as a visiting scientist, in the Department of Physical Chemistry of Mc Gill University in Montreal. Dana graduated in 1986 at Comenius University in Bratislava in inorganic chemistry at Faculty of Natural Sciences. She has started working in the Slovak Environment Agency in July 1993.

The STRiKE project is funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund - Police (ISFP-2018-AG-OC-869173)

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The University of Limerick is the lead institution of the project consortium

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