Christian Tournié – Central Office for the Fight
against Environmental and Public Health Crime

Christian Tournié, Lieutenant-Colonel of the French “Gendarmerie Nationale”, is Deputy Head of the Central Office for Fight against Environmental and Public Health Crime (OCLAESP) particularly in charge of European affairs and International Cooperation. He is the Driver of the Environmental Crime of the European multidisciplinary platform against criminal threats (EMPACT) of the EU policy cycle on international organised crime (2018-2021). He is a Vice Chair of the EU Law Enforcement Environmental Crime Network (EnviCrimeNet) after being the chair in 2018. He held the position of Seconded National Expert at the Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs at the European Commission in Brussels (2006-2012) after being seconded at Europol and having served as Deputy Head of the Division of Europe and Organized Crime at the HQ of the “Gendarmerie Nationale” in Paris Headquarters. Christian Mr. Tournié has contributed to define policies and strategies in criminal matters notably related Environment and Public Health Crimes as far as financial and cyber investigations. He has been committed at national and international decision-making, law enforcement networks for prevention and fight against serious and organised crimes, as well as the capacity-building of criminal provisions, multidisciplinary cooperation and operational activities at global level.