Financial Considerations for Chemicals and Waste Management
Thu, Apr 29
|Online Event

Date & Time
Apr 29, 2021, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM GMT+2
Online Event
Resources and Information
- Introductory session by Eduardo Caldera Petit (UNEP)
- Progress to date with dedicated external financing, including Quick Start Programe, Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment, GEF by Eloise Touni (UNEP)
- UNDP chemicals and waste portfolio and highlights of an MLF-funded project in Bangladesh by Ajiniyaz Reimov (UNDP)
- Work led by WB Treasury to develop green bonds; other private sector-lead operations by Farah Hussain (WB)
- Private sector investment in the GEF Gold programme by Ludovic Bernaudat and Miguel Van Der Velden (UNEP)
- Development Policy Operations - examples of WB lending operations that support strengthening regulatory frameworks for chemicals and waste management by Ernesto Sanchez-Triana and Santiago Enriquez (WB)
- WB Lending instruments - examples of WB's lending investments in sustainable chemical management by Solvita Klapare (WB)
- Repurposing public finance for chemicals management by Colm Kennedy (UNEP)
Objective: Scaling up finance to achieve sound management of chemicals and waste is the goal of Beyond 2020 and other chemicals-related MEAs. This webinar will identify and share lessons learned, successful mechanisms, good practices, and policy options.
Participants: Open to stakeholders contributing to the sound management of chemicals and waste – including SAICM Focal Points and MEAs Focal Points, Ministries of Finance or Economy responsible for financial considerations – and the Beyond 2020 process for the sound management of chemicals and waste.
Please leave your written contribution about the Implementation Programmes here
In order to structure the discussion, we are asking you to address three questions:
(1) For your organization, what is your vision of IPs? What would be their structure and important features? What are the potential benefits and value added? What would determine success?
(2) How would you like to be engaged and contribute to the development of IPs? What would create your organization’s “ownership” of the stakeholder process and results? Which concepts and activities do you propose? Which areas and questions interest you most?
(3) Which stakeholder activities and consultations should we pursue (including further webinars) and when? On which topics? What progress should we have achieved by mid-2025?
Please focus your verbal and written contributions only to these three questions. We would like to hear from you!