Global Guidance and Training
These materials are part of a series of leaflets and presentations on the GHS with the following topics:
What is the GHS?
Hazard classification
Hazard communication
Implementing GHS and available data on substance classification.
These training materials have been produced with financial assistance from Sweden, through the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
The views herein shall not be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
Film 1
This short video (part I and part II) introduces the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) and provides information about the origins and development of the GHS, purpose and benefits, elements of the GHS, the building block approach, and considerations and guidance when implementing the GHS.
Film 2
This short video (part I and part II) about the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) introduces the content of the GHS and explains about hazard classification and communication.
Film 3
This short video (part I and part II) introduces the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) and its relation to Agriculture. Part I introduces the importance and relevance of GHS to pesticides, and part II provides information on implementation of the GHS at international, regional, and national levels.
Film 4
This short video introduces the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals in the transport sector.